7B) Legacies of mission history for 21st century education
Colonial Christian Missions and their Legacies:
1. Lilly Brown (University of Melbourne, Australia)
‘Australian teachers on the frontline: Unarmed and unprepared to teach the colonial past and its legacy in the present’
2. Jonathan Anuik (University of Alberta, Canada)
‘Achieving Christian Childhood at Public School: Faith-informed Discourse and Action’
3. Arnaq Grove (Ilisimatusarfik University, Greenland)
‘Colonial mission legacies in the usage and status of the Greenlandic language’
1. Lilly Brown (University of Melbourne, Australia)
‘Australian teachers on the frontline: Unarmed and unprepared to teach the colonial past and its legacy in the present’
2. Jonathan Anuik (University of Alberta, Canada)
‘Achieving Christian Childhood at Public School: Faith-informed Discourse and Action’
3. Arnaq Grove (Ilisimatusarfik University, Greenland)
‘Colonial mission legacies in the usage and status of the Greenlandic language’